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Latest Announcements

Announcing the Release of AQUA v7.1.1.2

We're pleased to announce the release of AQUA® v7.1.1.2 (11/15/2022), which includes updates to make your case review more efficient and effective.

ProQA v5.1.1.45 Maintenance Release

The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAED™) and Priority Dispatch® are pleased to present the revised Protocol 25 with this ProQA v5.1.1.45 Maintenance Release. With mental health calls reaching critical levels, the complete reworking of Protocol 25 has been a top priority for us. Even its title has changed.

Announcing the Release of AQUA v7.1.1.1

We're pleased to announce the release of AQUA® v7.1.1.1 (9/6/2022), which includes updates to make your case review more efficient and effective.

ProQA v5. Special Monkeypox Release

This Medical-only ProQA® v5. Special Monkeypox Release is in rapid response to the current Monkeypox outbreak and contains a new Emerging Infectious Disease Surveillance (EIDS) Tool that triages Monkeypox exposure and symptoms.

Patch Release for ProQA v5.

This ProQA® v5. Patch Release reverts a change made in the ProQA v5.1.1.44 release. In this recent release, there was a software change that allowed ProQA to keep an override Determinant Code when later adding a suffix, if the Emergency Dispatcher had previously reconfigured to an override during dispatch.

Introducing AQUA 8 Infinity

It's more intuitive and easier to use, helping ED-Qs move smoothly through case review, and the browser-based platform means they don’t have to physically be in the center to audit calls.

ProQA v5.1.1.44 Maintenance Release

The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAED™) and Priority Dispatch® are pleased to release ProQA® v5.1.1.44 Maintenance Release with IAED protocol updates to Medical 13.3.326 (4/6/2022), Fire 7.1.192 (5/6/2022), and Police 6.4.132 (4/13/2022), as well as software enhancements.

Announcing the Release of AQUA v7.1.1.0

We're pleased to announce the release of AQUA® v7.1.1.0 (3/8/2022), which includes updates to make your case review more efficient and effective.

Brian Dale Announced as President of Priority Dispatch Corporation

It’s my pleasure to share some important news with you. We have named Brian Dale as the President of Priority Dispatch Corporation (PDC).

ProQA v5.1.1.43 Maintenance Release

The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAED™) and Priority Dispatch® are pleased to release ProQA® v5.1.1.43 Maintenance Release with IAED protocol updates to Medical 13.3.259 (12/2/2021), Fire 7.1.141 (12/13/2021), and Police 6.4.125 (12/6/2021), as well as software enhancements.