There’s no substitute for time on the headset. Priority Dispatch® AI SkillLab™ helps train both new and experienced Emergency Dispatchers alike with simulated calls that mimic real-life emergency call situations. With on-demand practice powered by AI, Emergency Dispatchers can improve their skills 24/7 – quickly building confidence through targeted training. AI SkillLab is the only software built according to the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch Standards, meaning your Emergency Dispatchers are learning the best practices every time they log on.
AI SkillLab is one piece of the larger quality improvement ecosystem within the Priority Dispatch System. Explore the other products that help improve the performance of your Emergency Communications Center.
Using the call simulator training AI has truly been a game changer in creating operational readiness for our academy students moving to live calltaking. I have seen trainees start in AI SkillLab with hands shaking and voices quivering to going to their communications training officers as confident as ever. Our trainees are now clearing training sometimes weeks earlier than they ever did and beginning their shifts with a higher than average “newbie” skill level.
We’ll show you how the latest in AI can make training your Emergency Dispatchers easier and more realistic than ever before.
Request a DemoAI SkillLab isn’t coming for your trainers’ jobs. Its software is designed to be used in concert with other training efforts. It simply helps your trainers focus on what they’re best at and offload the time-intensive process of roleplaying calls.
The biggest differences in roleplaying with a supervisor or other member of your team and roleplaying with AI SkillLab are time and variety. AI SkillLab saves the precious time of your supervisors and trainers, freeing them up to do more of what they’re best at. Because AI SkillLab has so many different personas and situations available, it offers a variety that no single team could ever provide in a roleplay, making your Emergency Dispatchers more prepared for anything that might come their way.
Because AI SkillLab is IAED-approved, its simulated calls count as Continuing Dispatch Education. Time spent with AI SkillLab can help your Emergency Dispatchers recertify every two years.
Simply put, AI SkillLab saves you time and money, supercharges your training efforts by making them more flexible and robust, and gets your trainees up to speed faster than the way it’s been done in the past. With AI scoring each individual call, you’ll also have a more complete look at how your trainees are doing, call-by-call, as they gain experience.