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ProQA v5.1.1.50 Release

In response to the alarming rise in mental health distress calls to 911 – specifically suicide calls – the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAED™) and Priority Dispatch® are pleased to announce the release of Protocol 41: Caller in Crisis (1st Party Only) with the ProQA® v5.1.1.50 Maintenance Release.

World’s First Suicide Risk and Ideation Protocol for 1st Party Callers Will Help Manage the Record and Increasing Number of 911 Mental Distress Calls

We have looked to the world’s experts and real data to make sure Emergency Dispatchers are always prepared for these most challenging situations. When presented with a Caller in Crisis, this Protocol and training provides the Emergency Dispatcher with specific calming and control techniques to work through a host of behaviors often presented during the call. In addition, when faced with an imminent suicide threat patient, the Emergency Dispatcher will use specific pre-arrival instructions to reduce the risk of serious injury or death – while making the scene safer for responders.