CommCenter Manager_Indian Female




4 Fire Dispatch Updates in FPDS v8.0 You Won't Want To Miss

The latest version of the Fire Priority Dispatch System is designed to meet the modern challenges faced by Emergency Fire Dispatchers. This landmark update is the result of countless hours of effort by the IAED Council of Fire Standards and Fire Curriculum Board.

9 Jan. 2025


Fire Department Calltaking Systems: Full Guide

Fire department calltaking systems like FPDS improve response times, accuracy, and safety by guiding calltakers, allocating resources, and providing training.

4 Dec. 2024


911 Software Your Communications Center Needs

The best 911 software for you depends on your needs. Luckily, ProQA® integrates with several 911 products to meet as many of your needs as possible.

6 Nov. 2024


How to Support Our Heroes (And Their Hounds)

First responders work tirelessly to keep our communities safe, facing danger and stress on a daily basis. From firefighters to police officers, and K-9 units to search and rescue dogs, these heroes (and their hounds) deserve our respect. If you're unsure how to contribute, consider the following ways to support first responders—and their canine partners.

3 Oct. 2024


3 Ways PPDS Encourages a Better Relationship with Law Enforcement

A positive relationship between an Emergency Communications Center and the law enforcement community for which it dispatches shouldn’t be a big ask. Both parties are working hard and sacrificing for the people they serve and their goals are the same: keep their people safe and minimize the bad things that can happen.

19 Sep. 2024


Protocol 41: Make a Difference With a 911 Solution for Suicidal Callers

The IAED partnered with the 911 Training Institute and gathered a team of experts that spent over seven years researching and refining a structured system for dispatching severe mental health calls that focuses on the well-being of the caller called Protocol 41: Caller in Crisis.

6 Sep. 2024


The Priority Dispatch Blog offers insights relevant to Emergency Communications Center Leadership, Emergency Dispatchers, and First Responders. Check back regularly for new content surrounding Medical, Fire, Police, and Nurse Triage Disciplines.




What is a PSAP? (Public Safety Answering Point)

A Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is the first point of contact for 911 calls. When someone dials 911, their call is routed to the nearest PSAP, where trained emergency dispatchers assess the situation and coordinate the appropriate response.

14 Feb. 2025


5 Emergency Call Center Best Practices

To keep emergency call centers functioning at their best, it’s important to follow a few best practices, which include everything from following structured protocols to providing stress relief opportunities for your Emergency Dispatchers.

14 Feb. 2025


4 Fire Dispatch Updates in FPDS v8.0 You Won't Want To Miss

The latest version of the Fire Priority Dispatch System is designed to meet the modern challenges faced by Emergency Fire Dispatchers. This landmark update is the result of countless hours of effort by the IAED Council of Fire Standards and Fire Curriculum Board.

9 Jan. 2025


Fire Department Calltaking Systems: Full Guide

Fire department calltaking systems like FPDS improve response times, accuracy, and safety by guiding calltakers, allocating resources, and providing training.

4 Dec. 2024


911 Software Your Communications Center Needs

The best 911 software for you depends on your needs. Luckily, ProQA® integrates with several 911 products to meet as many of your needs as possible.

6 Nov. 2024


How to Support Our Heroes (And Their Hounds)

First responders work tirelessly to keep our communities safe, facing danger and stress on a daily basis. From firefighters to police officers, and K-9 units to search and rescue dogs, these heroes (and their hounds) deserve our respect. If you're unsure how to contribute, consider the following ways to support first responders—and their canine partners.

3 Oct. 2024


3 Ways PPDS Encourages a Better Relationship with Law Enforcement

A positive relationship between an Emergency Communications Center and the law enforcement community for which it dispatches shouldn’t be a big ask. Both parties are working hard and sacrificing for the people they serve and their goals are the same: keep their people safe and minimize the bad things that can happen.

19 Sep. 2024


Protocol 41: Make a Difference With a 911 Solution for Suicidal Callers

The IAED partnered with the 911 Training Institute and gathered a team of experts that spent over seven years researching and refining a structured system for dispatching severe mental health calls that focuses on the well-being of the caller called Protocol 41: Caller in Crisis.

6 Sep. 2024


Everything You Need to Know About Protocol 41: Caller in Crisis Training

Protocol 41: Caller in Crisis (1st Party Only) was built with input from experts in protocol logic, mental health professionals, suicidologists, and a team of professionals from related fields. Here's what you need to know about getting trained to use Protocol 41.

6 Sep. 2024


Eyes on the Scene: Improving Scene Safety Through Video to ProQA

Video to ProQA was developed to meet the needs of evolving ECCs created by the expansion of responsibilities for Emergency Dispatchers. These new duties necessitate a solution that provides situational awareness, quality information, resource allocation, and risk management in real-time.

6 Sep. 2024