employees in a conference room

Announcing the Release of ECNS v5.3

12 May. 2023

Version 5.3 of the Emergency Communications Nurse System™ (ECNS™) protocols are ready for release.

This updated protocol set includes updates to:

  1. Current protocol question text
  2. Protocol question clinical rationale
  3. Protocol question logic
  4. Existing recommended care levels
  5. Existing interim care instructions
  6. Updated dispositions

ECNS v5.3 includes the addition of new:

  1. Protocol questions
  2. Interim care instructions
  3. Protocol question clinical rationale

ECNS v5.3 Update Guide

These links will give you access to the Update Guide, which details all of the changes in this release of the IAED™ ECNS v5.3 Protocol set in three languages:

  1. North American English: ECNS Protocol v5.3 Update Guide NAE
  2. UK English: ECNS Protocol v5.3 Update Guide UKE
  3. Australia/New Zealand: ECNS Protocol v5.3 Update Guide ANZ

If your agency is ready to upgrade to this newly released version of the ECNS protocol set, please send a request so we can facilitate the process.


Dr. Conrad Fivaz

Chair IAED ECNS Council of Standards
