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Guide your callers to the nearest AED with the click of a mouse

PulsePoint AED Registry is now available in ProQA

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Get your callers what they need when they need it

New AED Geolocation Capability

Priority Dispatch ® and the PulsePoint Foundation have implemented an AED geolocation integration that allows Emergency Dispatchers to inform callers of the location of AEDs while using existing medical dispatch protocols within Priority Dispatch’s ProQA software, with no changes to workflow – saving critical time during life-threatening emergencies. In the past EMDs have had to ask callers if there was a known AED nearby.

Higher Survival Rates

Each year in the U.S., there are approximately 360,000 EMS-assessed cardiac arrests outside of the hospital and, on average, less than 10 percent of victims survive.

In these instances, the keys to survival are:

  • Early recognition
  • Early CPR
  • Early defibrillation

Action taken by bystanders prior to the arrival of EMS results in victims being two to three times more likely to survive.

AED's Are Vetted Upon Being Added

Anyone can add an AED location to the public registry by downloading the PulsePoint AED app or by simply visiting the website aed.new.

AEDs are vetted by local authorities before they are shared with dispatchers via ProQA or users of PulsePoint Respond, the companion app to PulsePoint AED.

See for Yourself

Emergency Dispatchers can save time and lives via the ProQA/PulsePoint integration

  • Hosted by Priority Dispatch in collaboration with PulsePoint Foundation
  • Speakers include Josh Ingle, Administrative Specialist with the Emergency Communications Center in Manatee County, Fla., Richard Price, president of the California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit PulsePoint Foundation and Alicia Simper, Sales Operations Manager with Priority Dispatch.

Get Your Callers the Help They Need

PulsePoint's AED Registry works through ProQA to get callers access to potentially life-saving tools. Learn how it can work with your center.