Woman triaging her foot

The gold standard for managing low-acuity calls

LowCode helps you deliver consistent, appropriate care to non-emergency patients.

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Free up resources while improving your service to your community

Research shows that 15-20% of medical calls coming into Emergency Communication Centers are lower priority, low-acuity calls. Without a system in place to triage them, non-emergency calls can waste Emergency Dispatchers’ time and send valuable resources where they aren’t needed.

LowCode is the exclusive software platform running the Emergency Communication Nurse System™ (ECNS). ECNS gives Emergency Communication Centers new options to care for patients who do not need an ambulance or a trip to the ER. LowCode helps specially trained Registered Nurses (RNs) assess and assign appropriate care to patients over the phone using 200 symptom-based protocols. This results in lower costs for your agency and better health care for your community.

LowCode was created by our partners at Priority Solutions, Inc.

Visit Priority Solutions

LowCode has helped triage millions of low-acuity calls across four continents and in seven languages.

female in emergency situation

LowCode makes Nurse Triage simple

Proven Protocols to Assist Low-Acuity Patients

The ECNS contains over 200 symptom-based protocols based on IAED clinical governance to offer alternative, high-quality care to your community.

Seamless Integration With Other PDS Products

LowCode is fully integrated into the Medical Priority Dispatch System, making it easy for Emergency Dispatchers already familiar with the ProQA software to jump right in. And like the MPDS, LowCode connects with our AQUA quality assurance program to ensure RNs are following the established standards of care and practice.

Comprehensive Implementation With Local Control

LowCode lets your agency set your “Points of Care,” or locally available resources, where patients can be referred to for treatment depending on the Recommended Care Level established by the protocol. In addition, there are a number of modifiable scripts in addition to the protocols that allow you to get relevant information that’s unique to your community.

Standardized, World-Class Training and Certification

Every RN who uses LowCode and the ECNS goes through the IAED training and certification process. This proven process ensures they apply the protocols properly and deliver a consistent, high-quality level of care to patients in your community.

ECNS and Lowcode

The reasons for a unified medical dispatch protocol.
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The Emergency Communication Nurse System (ECNS) allows our Clinical Call Center (CCC) nurses to provide safe, effective, and evidenced based high-quality triage care for our patients on every call every time. Each symptom is thoroughly explored in detail while also reviewing the patients medications, allergies, past medical and surgical history giving the nurse a complete holistic view. Using ECNS, the CCC nurses are able to safely and accurately get our patients to the most appropriate level of care which many times prevents unnecessary emergency room visits.

Jeffrey Pick, Assistant Vice President of Care Management, Northwell Health, New York, USA


Demand on our ambulance service is increasing year-on-year, so this is about thinking smarter about what we can do with the resources we have to keep up with the fast-changing picture. The mix of combining people, process, and technology were the game changers, as well as the benefits of improved resource allocation. It means that patients are getting the right care, in the right place at the right time, and it also means we can protect our precious resources for those who need us most. We also try not to overwhelm the wider health economy if we can clinically care for patients at source and provide them the most appropriate care remotely and closer to home.

Dr. Mike Brady, Consultant Paramedic Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Wales, UK


Priority Solutions is one of the cornerstones of our Community Health Programs. This product allowed us to develop a pioneering, integrated healthcare program that ensures we are getting patients the right care, at the right time and in the most cost-effective way.

Dr. Brad Lee, Chief Medical Officer, Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority, Washoe County, Nevada


See LowCode For Yourself

See LowCode in action and see how the gold standard for managing low-acuity calls can save you time and resources.

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Questions? We Have Answers.

What is required to use LowCode?

Agencies that wish to implement the LowCode and the ECNS must be accredited as an IAED Center of Excellence (ACE) in Emergency Medical Dispatch. In addition, your Emergency Communications Center must use the Medical Priority Dispatch System ProQA Emergency Dispatch software and AQUA quality improvement software.

How do ECNS protocols work?

The 200 symptom-based protocols guide RNs through a set of logic-driven questions that help assess a patient. These protocols consider gender, age, and clinical risk factors to help RNs arrive at a Recommended Care Level and provide instructions to patients on how to receive further care.

What is the difference between ECNS and LowCode?

LowCode is the software platform that delivers the ECNS protocols. It is the main interface for RNs assessing patients using the ECNS protocols.